Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Crew still smiling!


  1. We here at Gilda's Club are at the finish line in spirit. Sending our joy and congratulations across the miles as we look at the same sky you're looking at. Thank you is not enough,Darren. May you be able to rest, relax, reflect, oh, and have a great meal, too. All our gratitude is emanating over the mountains. Sending a group wave from Gilda's Club and all our congratulations again!!!
    Sandy Henshue
    Kirsten Norslein
    Lesa Fischer
    Carissa Metcalfe
    Tess Klug
    Bonnie Krattiger
    Sally Wolff
    Jack Goodwin
    Kim Lamoreaux

  2. Awesome job "Fab 5!"
